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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does EasyTransac cost ?


A single transaction fee is now applied to all our mobile checkout and e-commerce solutions. There are no subscription or registration fees.

Find details of these rates on the dedicated page and in our General Terms and Conditions of Sale, Appendix 1.

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I didn't received my bank transfer


If you do not receive your transfer, please check that your account is complete (documents and information up to date) and that you have entered your validation code received by post.

Your first transfer may take some time as it depends on the acceptance of your enrolment file by our acquiring bank. Additional documents may be requested in case of temporary refusal.

When activating SEPA Direct Debits (SDD), the transfer period of your funds automatically increases to 14 days. This 14-day deposit period corresponds to the maximum verification time required for the banks to validate the collection. Under certain conditions, this period can be reduced. You can contact our support team for more information.

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Where do I register?


To register and use EasyTransac services, you have two possibilities. The first is to go to our website and click on Register, the second is to register directly on our smartphone application.

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Who can use EasyTransac?

How does it work

EasyTransac is a service to cash credit cards, it is dedicated to professionals. To use EasyTransac, it is required to have a company number or to provide a document establishing the request to register your company.

See the list of prohibited activities here

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How do I bind my account to a company?


In some specific cases, your account will need to be bound to a company. To do this, you only need to send us an e-mail to make that request, with a proof that you work with this company. You company can also send you an invitation e-mail; in this case, you just have to follow the e-mailed link and you will automatically be bound to the business.

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Common problems

How does it work
My account has not been validated :
  • All of your information has not been fully completed : Please go to this page and make sure that no tab is marked in red :My information
  • You did not send us all the required documents : To check if you have sent all your required documents, please check on this page : My documents
  • You activity is not authorized by our services : To check if your activity is accepted by our services, please check on this page : restricted or forbidden activities
  • The country from which you operate is not part of the European Union, nor United Kingdom, nor Switzerland.
  • If none of these reasons matches your situation, feel free to contact us by e-mail by clicking here
My documents have been denied :

First of all, please login to your EasyTransac backoffice on your computer, go to the My Account > Documents category. On the right of each document, you will find an indicator:

If the icon shows that it has been denied, you will find the reason of denial under the document, like in the following example:

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Mobile app : How to make a contactless payment or a flash payment?


EasyTransac is firstly an application that allows you to cash in credit cards easily and safely with your smartphone.

So, how do you cash in a credit card with EasyTransac ?
First, you must make sure that you have an EasyTransac at the Basic or Standard level, that the EasyTransac application is installed on your smartphone and have a stable internet connection (at least Edge).

Once the application is installed, launch it and login with your account. Fill in an amount in the dedicated space at the top of the homepage.

Chose your method of cashing and the payment options that fit your needs.

Capture the card by flash or contactless.

Once the card is captured, ask tour client to fill in their cryptogram on your smartphone.

Get your client’s e-mail address or phone number so that we can send them their payment receipt (be careful, a receipt is not a bill, you have to provide a proper document attesting the purchase to your client.). Then, confirm the payment

Example of a receipt sent by text

Example of a receipt sent by e-mail

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